Pet Policy


  • Prior written approval from Community Management must be obtained for any animal that is to reside in the Community, and such written approval must be obtained and payment of the applicable animal fee, if any, must be submitted prior to the time the animal is brought into the Community. A maximum of two domesticated animals are permitted on the Premises provided each of those pets do not exceed 40 pounds each. To be approved, the animal must be an “inside” animal and a true household animal. Animals must weigh no more than 40 lbs each. Community Management reserves the right to make decisions on animals on a case-by-case basis but shall not use this discretion to approve or grandfather an animal with a history of barking, attacking, growling, biting, or other menacing behavior, or any dog whose breed or breed mixture appears to be a dangerous breed. “Dangerous breed” is defined by our insurance provider as the following breeds: Pit Bull Terriers, Staffordshire Terriers, Rottweilers, German Shepherds, Presa Canarios, Chows, Doberman Pinschers, Akitas, Wolf-hybrids, Mastiffs, Cane Corsos, Great Danes, Alaskan Malamutes, and Siberian Huskies. Community Management can at any time terminate approvals granted for animals based upon incomplete, inaccurate, or changed information, or based upon subsequent improper behavior of an approved animal.
  • As part of the application process, Resident shall submit to Community Management proof that
  • the animal has a valid and current license (if a license is required by law), and that the animal has received all required vaccinations and inoculations. Resident shall also bring the animal to Community Management for a visual assessment. Annually, Resident shall be required to provide to Community Management proof of a current license and of vaccinations and/or inoculations as are required. This documentation shall be copied and presented to Community Management within 15 days of the renewal date of any license and/or vaccination and inoculation requirement.
  • No animal with a history of biting or attacking any person shall be allowed or approved. Any Resident or prospective resident who has previously been sued because of damages caused by any animal for which approval is being sought shall be denied permission for such animal to be brought into the Community.
  • Animals must be kept inside the Home except when taken outdoors on a leash for reasonable outdoor exercise periods. Dogs may only be outside the Home on a hand-held leash. No “tie-ups” are permitted. When outside the confines of the Home, all droppings must be immediately picked up and properly disposed of by the Resident. In no event may an animal be permitted to trespass on another Resident’s Homesite.
  • Persistent barking by any dog at any time of the day or night or being outside the Home and not on a hand-held leash constitutes unacceptable dog behavior.
  • No other agricultural or wild animals, poisonous creatures, or exotic creatures such as, but not limited to, chickens, chimpanzees, monkeys, pigs, iguanas, snakes, ferrets, and the like, are permitted in the Community.